Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bead on the Table Wednesday

Hey Blog,
Just here working on pendants.  There are unpainted and I'm working on getting some color to them.  I heard Heather talking about Bead on the Table Wednesday or something like that, so I'm blogging today about my beads and to just get in the habit of blogging.
These a some of the ones I've done already. (And better photographed here.)  I took these pics. with Heather's Ipod.

Like I said, I have a bunch of unpainted ones.  I'm off to find 3 new pictures to inspire me and then I will paint these up.  So blog, which way is the Google?


  1. Jess, I am glad Heather forced you to blog- I've already enjoyed your posts! I love your candid, off-hand writing style. Keep up the great work!

  2. Hey Jess! Will these be making the trip to Milwaukee for the Bead & Button show with your lovely wife? I sure hope so!
    Enjoy the day!

  3. Love these. When I'm rich (next pay cheque, surely...) I will clean your shop out :0)
